St. Thomas Convent, Govidpur (Bhagalpur)

"Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."

It was a long-cherished desire of Bishop Thomas Kozhimala to start a convent at Govindpur for SABS. It was fulfilled by Bishop Kurian Valiyakandathil and the house was inaugurated on 31 March 2008. The members of the convent were Sr. Jess Mary Vellaplackal (superior), Sr. Ranit Kunnukulathu and Sr. Margaret Samad. Sisters work in the residential school for the tribal children run by the diocese. The diocese opened hostels for girls and boys. Sisters look after the hostel for girls. Our main apostolic activities are teaching in the school, health care, looking after the hostel children and parish work. The hostel was started with 13 boys and 13 girls.

At present there are 147 girls and 320 boys from different parts of the town, staying and doing their studies. It is an urban area and the majority of the people in the locality are Santals. People are very responsive towards the development taking place here. Within these few years there has been a rapid growth of the school and the sisters are working very enthusiastically in collaboration with the management. The sisters take active part in the parish work and they go for visiting the houses and conduct prayer meetings along with the parish priest.